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Columbia University Pres. Nemat Shafik throwing professors under the bus during a McCarthy-like Congressional hearing on Wednesday, the day before she unleashed the NYPD to arrest peaceful pro-Palestinian student protesters camped out in Columbia’s main square. Photo credit: U.S. Congress via Youtube.


The battle for the future of America has begun. 

There's so much evil villainy breaking out right now in so many domains it's a national emergency. What it all adds up to is this: will we allow our country to be hi-jacked by Israel and twisted into a real-life dystopian nightmare? 

Incredibly, our future is now tied to that of the Palestinians.

Since 1967, Israel has subjected the Palestinian people living in the West Bank and Gaza Strip to a brutal military occupation. Palestinians living inside Israel are subjected to discrimination and racism. In brief, in order to keep the precious freedoms our Constitution promises us, we have to liberate the Palestinians.

To do that, we first have to defeat the Israeli government's grip on our government, in Washington, D.C. 

That is the fight all of us are now in. That is the fight 108 Columbia University students joined today when they were arrested peacefully protesting their school's investments with Israel. All they were doing was camping in tents adorned with protest signs, on the lawn of what functions as their urban campus's "town square." 

The president of their university betrayed them. Columbia Pres. Nemat Shafik unleashed the NYPD on them. Pres. Shafik , a former banker, is the very definition of “global elite.” She’s an Egyptian-born dual citizen of the U.S. and Great Britian. To Shafik, the protesters weren't students. As she wrote in her formal letter asking the NYPD to arrest them, they were only "individuals." 

Some especially nasty people are calling for these young students to be stripped of their citizenship and deported to the Gaza Strip—which they equate to a place of exile, the worst kind of prison, where the Israeli military may murder them.

The last time I checked, schools are supposed to be places where a wide-range of thought and philosophy is nurtured. Mavericks are protected, even encouraged. Students are supposed to learn rational, critical thought—not slavish adherence to orthodoxy and blind submission to power.

On the same day Columbia University committed treason to cherished academic principles, Pres. Joe Biden betrayed America's credo of "liberty and justice for all." He ordered his ambassador to the United Nations to veto a vote to make Palestine a member of the United Nations. No other country voted no.

Getting into the U.N. would have been a game-changer for the Palestinian people. It would have inserted an iron diplomatic crow bar between the giant Israeli boot on the collective Palestinian neck, and given then more power to pry it off.

Instead, the U.S., and the U.S. alone, voted to continue to allow Israel to kill Palestinians and slowly strangle their future.

Meanwhile, Congress is considering voting to grant the Federal Government greater legal authority to spy on Americans' communications without a judge-issued warrant—even though the text of the Constitution clearly requires one. 

It gets worse.

On Wednesday, Congress held a hearing on alleged anti-Semitism on college campuses. It was the most appalling and shamefully un-American political spectacle since the 1954 Army-McCarthy Hearings into alleged Communists and "subversives." Pres. Shafik got on her knees and let a Fascist, bullying Congress blowbang her for 2 1/2-hours.

The only reasonable and perversely humorous moment was Rep. Jim Banks (R-Ind.) rightfully demanding Shafik explain “askenormativity”—an exceedingly dense academic term in a glossary of specialized words for new students at Columbia’s prestigious graduate school of social work.

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Whatever levity Rep. Banks injected into the bogus hearing was obliterated by Congressman Rick W. Allen (R-Ga.). Rep. Allen actually cited Biblical scripture to say the Bible required American support for Israel. If not, he said, we'd be "cursed by God."

Rep. Allen swore an oath when he took office to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States—not the Bible. That didn’t stop him from adding: "Washington, D.C. is not the center of the universe, Jerusalem is the center of the universe."

(Israel claims Jerusalem as its rightful capital, though half is in the occupied West Bank. Officially, Israel's capital is Tel Aviv.)

It gets even more worse than this.

Congress is currently considering giving $95.3 billion American tax dollars away to foreign countries: $60 billion for Ukraine; $14 billion for Israel, increased to $26 billion by Saturday; $9 billion for humanitarian assistance to Gaza; and $5 billion for Asian allies.

Back in the Middle East, Israel's war machine continues to kill Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip. At least 33,899 Palestinians have been killed as of today, Apr. 17, 2024, according to International news organization Reuters. 20,000 or so of them are old men, women and children. Another 76,664 have been wounded.  Untold numbers remain entombed in the rubble of destroyed buildings. Thousands of survivors are amputees. Children are orphaned. People are starving, to death.

The International Court of Justice has already ruled that, legally, it looks like Israel is committing genocide. Yet the supply of American weapons continue to flow to Israel—despite laws supposedly restricting their transfer to countries committing war crimes. There's no end in sight to the mass killing.

The atrocities Israel and the U.S. are committing in Gaza are so evil they turned Iran, an Islamic theocracy, into a hero. Iran is the only nation to stand up for the Palestinians and say "NO!" to genocide: with its volley of 300-plus missiles that exhilarated and charged the Arab street Saturday night.

Now Israel and Iran are set on a hair-trigger for war. After Iran's unprecedented missile barrage, Israel has vowed to respond. Iran, in turn, pledges to retaliate with a 1,000-missile salvo if it does.

Israel government officials and its political operatives are right now whispering in the ears of American Congressmen.

“Iran must be attacked. Iran must be destroyed,” they are repeating, over and over again. 

Israeli-controlled politicians, like their lapdog Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-NY), are parroting pro-war Israeli propaganda.

Make no mistake, the winds of war are gusting. To allow Israel to continue to subjugate by military domination the Palestinian people, Imperial America is going to have to silence dissent at home like it has never silenced dissent before. The Democratic National Convention, set for the end of August in Chicago, is going to be a protest warzone—close as it is to Palestinian-American strongholds in Michigan. Organizing for it is already underway.

We've been warning you for decades a 1984-style national security apparatus was being built in America, to control Americans, a camera outside every door. Israel is perfecting AI-powered, Digital tyranny on the Palestinians—with Google’s complicity. Congress is on the verge of bringing it to America. (So is the NYPD, sources say.) It’s one AIPAC-funded vote away from becoming law—the second bombs start blowing up on American streets, again.

Only a strict reading of the Constitution’s text, specifically the Fourth Amendment, can stop it.

Put down your phone and take a hard look around. Figure out what you're seeing for yourself. Sometimes its not all what it seems—or what the Government says it is. Don’t take their word for it. Teach yourself how to identify propaganda. Don't be fooled by it. Don’t be led by it.

We'll be lucky to get out of this self-inflicted catastrophe without a major war, with our Nation whole.